Monday, May 25, 2020
Outside Forces Creating Change in Characters Love in the...
Authors are often well known for their use of outside forces to initiate change within the relationships of their main characters. The works Love in the Time of Cholera and The Metamorphosis are exemplary in this respect. The author’s choice, in both works, to use an outside force helps develop the storyline in each and brings out an underlying irony. Marquez chose to use Dr. Juvenal Urbino, a highly esteemed and prosperous doctor, as an outside force that initiated change in the relationship between Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza. Kafka chose to use three boarders to initiate the rapid decay of Gregor and Grete’s brother-sister relationship. Both consistencies and inconsistencies exist between the ways in which each author uses the†¦show more content†¦She cleaned up his room and ensured that he was well fed. Even though the relationships among the main characters were different, a consistency is found within the seemingly â€Å"perfect†classificati ons of both relationships. Both authors chose to use picture perfect relationships with virtually â€Å"unbreakable†bonds. They possibly did this to demonstrate how powerful and important the outside forces were. This is where the irony can be seen in both works. The outside forces managed to break the bonds shared between this brother and sister and soon to be husband and wife quite easily. In each work, the outside forces caused different changes to take place. In Love in the Time of Cholera, Dr. Urbino was brought on by Fermina’s father, Lorenzo Daza, who wanted his daughter to marry into money and be well taken care of. Dr. Urbino was able to change the relationship between Fermina and Florentino by causing it to cease. Once Lorenzo Daza decided he wanted his daughter to marry Dr. Urbino and Dr. Urbino â€Å"†¦ had been struck by the lightning of his love for Fermina Daza†(Marquez 115), that ended what had been between Fermina and Florentino. This cha nge caused by Dr. Urbino and Lorenzo Daza lead Florentino to make â€Å"†¦a fierce decision to win fame and fortune in order to deserve her.†(Marquez 165). He decided that he would remain a virgin for Fermina until the day Dr. Urbino died and hoped that she would still love him.Show MoreRelatedFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pagesresources With WileyPLUS: Students achieve concept mastery in a rich, structured environment that’s available 24/7 Instructors personalize and manage their course more effectively with assessment, assignments, grade tracking, and more manage time better study smarter save money From multiple study paths, to self-assessment, to a wealth of interactive visual and audio resources, WileyPLUS gives you everything you need to personalize the teaching and learning experience.  » F i n d o u t
Friday, May 15, 2020
Kate Chopin s The Awakening And Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s...
The nineteenth century revolutionized the roles of women by allowing them to further their education and contribute to literature. Feminism is seen in many classic literary works in the nineteenth century. The role of female characters has always been questioned in the male dominated world, which took females to serve as inspirations rather than creators. In Kate Chopin s, The Awakening and Henrik Ibsen s, A Doll House, the authors use their main characters to show the occurring changes of females in a male dominated society. Edna Pontellier and Nora Helmer explore their desires to find independence and live fully within themselves. The two housewives experience their awakenings similarly through their repressive husbands, their lack of motherliness, and their ultimate decision to leave their families. Although created by different authors, the two stories share many similarities implying feminism that are easily comparable through their sudden awakenings resulting in the independen ce of the women. They are both married, trapped by society’s rules rather than their own. Each has a distinct relationship with their family, yet their lack of devotion and true compassion towards their families parallel each other. This parallel is seen when both characters ultimately leave their families to start anew. Edna and Nora are both women ahead of their time that symbolize the few women that were capable to triumph over social standards to reach a life of greater fulfillment. TheShow MoreRelatedHenrik Ibsen s A Doll House1563 Words  | 7 Pages In the play, A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen, the title itself symbolizes the dependent and degraded role of the wife within traditional marriages. Ibsen portrayed the generous nature root into women by society, as well as the significant action of this nature, and lastly the need for them to find their own voice in a world ruled by men. Ibsen wrote this play in 1879, this is the era where women were obedient to men, tend the children until their husband came home, and stood by the Cult of DomesticityRead MoreFreedom Versus Confinement By Henrik Chopin1524 Words  | 7 Pageshappened in the house or how things were to be done that was the husband’s job. The man was obligated to get married, take care of his wife and household (money wise). The men were typically more free then the women. But true freedom is being able to live for yourself and do what you wanted to how you wanted to do it. Neither were truly free. During this time period, many writers and poets would using p oems and stories to discuss these issues. Writer Henrik Ibsen and poet Kate Chopin are perfect examples
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The American Civil War Interpretations of Democracy Essay
One of the most convoluted themes in history is that of the meaning of war. The American Civil War specifically offers many differing explanations as to the true cause for which over 600,000 men dedicated and lost their lives. The Civil War was particularly so, in that there was no universal acceptance of the objectives or causes of the war from either side. Leaders from the Union and the Confederacy delineated distinctly different reasons for fighting, magnifying the hostility between the two regions both before and during wartime. The Confederacy insisted that, based on overwhelming sentiments, its secession was an inevitability that was within the bounds of constitutional law. The South justified this secession and subsequent violence†¦show more content†¦However, Davis by no means implies that the Confederate States are reliant upon foreign nations for economic survival, as he explains that any lack of exchanged goods between the two nations would only â€Å"serve to di vert our industry from the production of articles for export and employ it in the commodities for domestic use†(Davis, 99). The Confederacy strove to appear both capable of acting as an independent and valuable body in an international market and also oppressed by a tyrannical national government. The South called upon the idea that they had simply attempted to lawfully and peacefully separate from the â€Å"disparaging discrimination, submission to which would be inconsistent with their welfare†of the Union that worked against their best interest (Davis, 45). Through these points, Davis sought validation of the Confederacy from European nations as a means of international legitimacy, thus strengthening their cause and power. Leaders of the Confederacy maintained that the meaning of the war was a defense of natural rights and American liberties rather than an offensive attack on the national government. In contrast, it was Abraham Lincoln’s intention to convince foreign nations that the Confederacy was merely an illegitimate rebellion, and to dissuade them from recognizing it as a separate entity from the Union whatsoever. Lincoln made a point of convincing foreign powers that the Confederacy’s supposed attempt to â€Å"lawfully†Show MoreRelatedCivil Rights : An Appearance1338 Words  | 6 PagesProfessor Roe US History 1 October 2014 Civil Rights as an Appearance The United States prided itself on personal and collective freedoms during the Cold War, despite actively denying the same inalienable rights to the African American population during that time. Mary L. Dudziak’s book Cold War Civil Rights: Race and the Image of American Democracy and Jacquelyn Dowd Hall’s article â€Å"The Long Civil Rights Movement and the Political Uses of the Past†interpret civil rights history in two compatible waysRead MoreThe Civil War Has Changed The Country987 Words  | 4 Pagesthrough the wars it has entered and how these wars have irreversibly changed the country. â€Å"The Civil War made modern America†¦ [and] we remain connected to this war†(Suri, Lecture 1). This is because the Civil War was an establishment of our nation’s beliefs and freedoms; fought to preserve the Union, this war shaped what America was and would become. The Civil War changed the notion of what liberty was, the transition from negative freedom to positive freedom is an influential aspect of American idealismRead MoreWalt Whitman Poetry Essay1685 Words  | 7 PagesWhitman’s Contribution to American Identity Walt Whitman’s portfolio of poetry was a crucial staple in the American identity. Whitman used his poetry to contribute to the evolution of self-reliance, human freedom and concepts of democracy. These influences can be seen throughout all of his poems, but more relevantly in â€Å"Song of Myself†, â€Å"For You O Democracy†and in â€Å"Live Oak, with Moss†. After analyzing these works thoroughly, Whitman has undeniably aided in the development of American identity and influencedRead MoreForeign Intervention And The Syrian Civil War Essay1501 Words  | 7 Pagessovereignty, can be used to reinforce the sovereignty of a state. Through realist and liberal judgments of sovereignty, both Russian and American intervention in the Syrian civil war can be questioned whether the force used, is justifiable by the contemporary situation in Syria. The Assad regime which has been in power since 1971 has seen recent civilian pro-democracy protests over lack of political freedom become violent which have been met with violence by government forces. (Adams, 2015) As explainedRead MoreThe Un Charter : The Violation Of National Sovereignty And Territorial Integrity Of A Member Of The Right770 Words  | 4 PagesI’m going to talk about the UN Charter. I think that some legal flaws of the UN Charter inevitably encourage the civil wars. State that influenced by Western Christianity culture often have great confusion on the role and interests of human rights and humanitarian due to religious obstacles. According to the UN Charter, collectivity benifits derive from Individualism (can be understood as human rights above sovereignty), which is actually its legal basis of existence. However, this term isRead MoreUnruly Americans And The Origins Of The Constitution1677 Words  | 7 Pagespurpose behind the book Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution, by Woody Holton is to demonstrate the authors view on the true intent of the Framers when writing the Constitution. Although at first glance the book may seem to uphold the idea that the framers wrote the Constitution in order to protect civil liberties, Holton has a different opinion. To avoid a one sided book, the author not only looks at the framers intent, but the struggles facing the American people. This book emphasizesRead MoreEuropean Attitudes Towards The American Civil War1672 Words  | 7 PagesUnited States declared a state of insurrection against the Confederacy of rebellious southern states. In Europe, the ordeal was referred to as The American Question. The question could not be evaded; a choice had to be made between neutrality and intervention. European attitudes towards the American Civil War would have a significant effect on the war s ultimate outcome (Randall and Donald 355). Throughout the early months of the conflict, the reaction of Europe was of great interest to both sides;Read More An Annotation of Section 24 of Walt Whitmans Song of Myself1354 Words  | 6 PagesSong of Myself Walt Whitmans Song of Myself is a vision of the American spirit, a vision of Whitman himself. It is his cry for democracy, giving each of us a voice through his poetry. Each of us has a voice and desires, and this is Whitmans representation of our voices, the voice of America. America, the great melting pot, was founded for freedom and democracy, and this poem is his way of re-instilling these lost American ideals. In this passage from Song of Myself Whitman speaks throughRead More Constructing and Reconstructing Essay1291 Words  | 6 Pages(for relief from the recession). While citizens were behind on their taxes; states were unable to pay interest on bonds, which crippled the government operations (Hollitz, 91). The idea of Hamilton claiming that states suffered from an â€Å"extreme democracy†, the Founding Fathers establish a central government that was less responsive to the will of the popular support (Hollitz, 94). The Founding Fathers, Holton says, mistrusted th e abilities of average citizens who made up much of America’s votingRead MoreWomen Demand Democracy : The American Civil War1157 Words  | 5 PagesWomen Demand Democracy The American Civil War was fought for freedom. However, even after the war, the concept of freedom was not universally understood. Freedom remained limited for certain individuals depending on their race, gender, and different class systems. The war especially had a great impact on the country’s social and political aspects of the entire population, particularly women. Essentially, it gave women the momentum to fight for their rights. Years before the civil war, women and men
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Firm Offers A Collection Building Materialsâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Firm Offers A Collection Building Material? Answer: Introducation The Home Depot Inc is an organization that focuses to be a retailer of house development. The firm offers a collection of the building materials, items that develops the garden, the house and the items that are related to the lawn. The organization was established in the year 1978 and as time has passed the organization has been improving their business activities because of the ascent in the clientele base. The financial report of Home Depot Inc has been assessed and it is observed that the company has been growing by a wide margin for the past certain years. It has been viewed that for the certain number of years the income of the organization has raised by 6.86%, and on the other hand the net income of the organization has been increased to 13.53%. The gross margin of the company has been observed to be 34.14% and the net profit of the organization has been discovered to be 8.53%. The organization has an increased degree of return on equity as the valuation has been found to be around 20.36% to 23.7% which has been altogether higher than the industrial benchmark (Manchikanti et al., 2014). In the year 2017, the organization raised their reserve of cash by 12.58%, while the company gained from their activities and this affected the margin of cash flow that had a rise of 10.34%. The organization utilised 1.58 billion on their activities of business and even paid a sum of 7.87 billion for the cash flow financing. The ratio of debt to capital of Home Depot Inc had a valuation of around 85.27%, which has been significantly lower than the past year, which had valuation of around 329.98% (Reschovsky et al., 2015). Year after year, the revenue per share and the dividends per share had an increase to 18.03% and 16.95%. The optimistic financial in the dividend payout is a key factor as there are various organizations that pay a significant amount of money from their pro fit as dividend. After the assessment of the earnings per share and the dividend payout per share it has been noticed that the development of the organization has been situated to be the most noteworthy in accordance to the industrial competitors. By breaking down the financial pattern and the financial scenario of the organization, it has been viewed that the organization has the prospective for anticipated expansion as the profit of Home Depot Inc has been developing in regards to the past few years (Saxena, 2015). Home Depot Inc has estimated net earnings of $4530 million and by looking at the sustainable growth rate it can be said that the actual year after year will be growing and the company would be expanding significantly and would be in a better position that the other companies that are functioning in the same economy. The development of the organization has been pertinent as the net profit of Home Depot Inc has been rising year after year and consequently, by undertaking an observation at the financial development and performance of the company, it can be proposed that the organization has the capacity for anticipated growth in accordance to the year to year actual (Hirsch et al., 2016). Reference Hirsch, J. A., Manchikanti, L. (2014). The sustainable growth rate: a 2014 update. Journal of neurointerventional management, 6(6), 411-412. Hirsch, J. A., Harvey, H. B., Barr, R. M., Donovan, W. D., Duszak, R., Nicola, G. N., ... Manchikanti, L. (2016). Sustainable growth rate repealed, MACRA revealed: historical context and analysis of recent changes in Medicare physician payment methodologies. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 37(2), 210-214. Manchikanti, L., Staats, P. S., Boswell, M. V., Hirsch, J. A. (2015). Analysis of the carrot and stick policy of repeal of the sustainable growth rate formula: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Pain Physician, 18(3), E273-E292. Nguyen, A. P., Hyder, J. A., Wanta, B. T., Stelfox, H. T., Schmidt, U. (2016). Measuring intensive care unit performance after sustainable growth rate reform: An example with the National Quality Forum metrics. Journal of Health care, 36, 81-84. Reschovsky, J. D., Converse, L., Rich, E. C. (2015). Solving the sustainable growth rate formula conundrum continues steps toward cost savings and care improvements. Health Affairs, 10-1377. Saxena, S. (2015). Managed Sustainable Development: Classification Of Resources And Goods Services, Calculating Sustainable Growth Rate And The Sustainable Development Index.
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